EDI Provides Many Options
to Fit Different Family Needs
For the last 5 years, EDI-WI has been able to maintain our prices to provide you with the best training available at a rate that is comparable to a Standard Driver's Ed Program. Unfortunatly, we have had to slightly increase prices due to the cost of fuel, equipment, wages and benefits. While making these adjustments; we continue to provide the best training, customer service and driver's training experience available! Thank you for choosing EDI!
EDI's Classroom Training is the most thorough and engaging Driver's Education Ciriculum available. We understand that this is an exciting time for Teens and it's important to us that Driver's Education is not just a "hurdle" to overcome but an important component to their understanding and growth as a driver.
Complete Driver's Ed Package
This is the package that meets all State Requirements for Teens to test for their permit and their license down the road. This is the minimum training required - 30 hours (in-class) hours.
30 Hours of Classroom Training
6- hours of Driving
6- hours of Observation
Complete Driver's Ed Package w/9
This package includes all training within the Complete package with an additional 3 hours of Road Training time.
30 Hours of Classroom Training
9- hours of Driving
6- hours of Observation
Complete Driver's Ed Package w/12
This package includes all training within the Complete package with an additional 6 hours of Road Training time.
30 Hours of Classroom Training
12- hours of Driving
6- hours of Observation
Complete Driver's Ed - Online Training
This package meets all state requirements to obtain your permit and later test for your License. Classroom training is "online" - at your own pace. Rules are as follows: No more than 2 hours p/day, you must complete within 3 months and you must view or attend EDI's Student/Parent Session.
30 Hours of Classroom Training
6- hours of Driving
6- hours of Observation
Road Training Only
This can be added to any other package and is purchased at a rate of $60 p/hour. This training is for Teens & Adults who are in need to driving skill development.
30 Hours of Classroom Training
9- hours of Driving
6- hours of Observation
Additional Options
Lease EDI's Training Car
The State Road Test can be challenging. This includes approximately 1 hour of practice prior to as well as prep for your exam.
Maximum 2 hours
Road Test Prep
A 1-hour lesson that evaluates your overall driving skills and provides recommendations to make sure you are meeting all testing requirements.
1 hour
6 Hour Driving Package
If you are an Adult or Teen coming from another school and need your 6-hours of road training choose this package.
Teens who have attended EDI's Classroom program can choose this package at a rate of $270.
6 hours of driving
Class Scheduling FAQ
1) How do I know if the class I want still has openings?
During the school year it is rare for a class to fill up. However summer sessions will fill up. To check on availability go to the registration page to sign up for the package you would like. If you can register for a class, there is still room in the class. If the class is not listed, it means all seats are full.
2) I am not able to make it to all the classroom sessions. Can I still sign up?
We expect our students to place their driver's ed high on the priority list, however we understand that unavoidable conflicts do happen. Though most driving schools require you to come back the following month, we provide a couple options to help teens complete their training with us. They are as follows:
No Charge - Making up the lesson in an alternate session when available. This can sometimes be up to 1-month out depending on the next class schedule. This does not need to be scheduled, students can just show up.
$15 Charge - Make up the lesson during ANY classroom session via computer based lesson. Example, student needs to complete lesson 8, they could come to lesson 1 and watch the pre-recorded lesson. Student must attend full 3 hour class to receive credit. This needs be scheduled ahead of time and prepaid.
$40 Charge - Make up the lesson at ANY time as long as we have an instructor available at the school. We do not staff an instructor at our location so this must be prepaid and arranged in advance so we can match up schedules.
3. I'm not 15 yet, can I still take the classes?
You must be 14.5 minimum to take classes.
4. What if I cannot attend the Parent Session?
This is very important part of our program as we need parents to be on the same page as EDI during this vital year of training. However we understand that work or other conflicts can get in the way. We do not require parents to attend, though we ask them to make the commitment in their teens road safety by attending.
We have over a 95% turnout in every class! If you are not able to attend, you can attend an alternate session or we ask the students relay the information to you as your role as a Parent Driving Instructor will have more influence on their success than anything we can do as a driving school.